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Become a Telford AC member

Only fill out this form if you have already paid your membership fee, and have been told to fill this out by a Club Membership admin such as Tino or Teresa

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TAC Membership Form

If you have any questions please contact
Please fill out the parent/carer section if you are registering an athlete as a parent or carer

Place your order now for only $15!


Which membership have you paid for?

If you have any questions on which membership is right for you, please see our FAQ page or contact us at


The U13-U20, senior and concessions memberships include the England Athletics registration fee, which allows you to compete

Parent/Carer Section

Please fill this out if you are the parent or carer of the member

Your child's emergency contact details may be the same as you've entered above. Please still fill the emergency contact fields out

Telford Athletic Club recognises the need to ensure the welfare and safety of all young people in athletics. In accordance with the UK Athletics Child Protection Policy, the Club will take all possible steps to ensure all photographs, video or other images taken of children/ young people are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform the Club immediately

Thank you for joining TAC!

Codes of Conduct
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